
Mission Statement

The St. Paul Art Collective (SPAC) promotes mutually beneficial and meaningful interaction between the arts community and the general public. Our organization aims to:

  • Develop audiences and networks for St. Paul artists.
  • Provide access to the arts for everyone in St. Paul.
  • Create connections between artists and the community throughout St. Paul.

Vision Statement

St. Paul has incredible artists, assets, and creative capacity that will enable it to significantly enrich the lives of its residents and vitality of the community.  We believe that a vibrant arts community is critical to the social health, economic prosperity, and resilience of St. Paul. 

The St. Paul Art Collective (SPAC) will nurture this talented community of culture bearers and artists, creative energy, and public engagement to advance St. Paul as a place where artists thrive and residents enjoy an elevated quality of life.  

A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors!