Artists Sunday is the free nationwide movement and marketing campaign encouraging consumers to shop with artists and craftsmen. Our goal is simple: to help artists sell more of their work during the fall holiday season. Artists Sunday is an art-focused shopping day the first Sunday after Thanksgiving, the largest shopping weekend of the year. Think of it like Black Friday or Small Business Saturday but for the arts.
We invite all professional artists in all mediums to join in and participate. It’s free. We don’t take any percentage of sales. It’s a movement and campaign. There is no deadline. Sign up now and get your toolkit. Details below:
You must be an original artist or craftsmen to participate as an Artist. Participation is free. If you are not the artist (such as stores or galleries), then you do not qualify as an Artists Sunday Artist. Artists who join receive:
- The Artists Sunday Toolkit – The marketing toolkit provides digital materials to generate buzz and awareness to promote to consumers and the media during the fall holiday season.
- Benefit from the Artists Sunday nationwide public relations campaign during the fall.
- Benefit from outreach of Artists Sunday Partners’ promoting Artists Sunday across the country.
- A listing on the Artists Sunday Artists Directory
- Use of the Artists Sunday logo, name and marketing materials.Please view the Artists FAQ for all the details. Any questions? Contact us here. Artists and craftspeople creating original works can join for free below. Commercial galleries and stores can join here.